Hidden water leaks on copper pipes can cause water damage to wood flooring, drywall, and cabinetry. The team at I Find Leaks uses the latest technology on the market today to locate hidden water leaks. In many cases, pipe leaks will occur and the damage may not be in the immediate vicinity of the water leak. Often times, water will show in the middle of hallways or door ways instead of exactly where the leak is occurring. This is due to the construction of homes in the Tampa Bay area as well as the path the water will take when it travels along wood studs attached to your concrete slab forming the foundation for walls. As you can see in the pictures below, a copper pipe leaked in a wall on the opposite side of a shower. The Tampa Bay homeowners didn’t realize they had a water leak until water started showing up in the doorway to the bathroom. By this time, the water had seeped underneath walls and flooring, and began to cause the wood flooring to buckle or discolor. If you see any signs of water damage, it’s a good idea to hire a team of leak detection professionals to locate the source of the water leak in order to prevent further water damage.