Mold Damage from Air Conditioner

Mold Growth High Humidity

Mold starts out as a very small problem but can rapidly turn into a very large and expensive problem if not rectified quickly. Mold Growth high humidity. We were called out to a condo building where a total of 6 units were left unattended with their Air Conditioning systems turned off for over 5 months. With the high humidity in Florida, mold growth occurs at an astonishing rate. Mold growth can begin occurring as soon as 12 hours after building materials become wet or damp. Water damaged building materials lead to mold growth. If water damage occurs in your home or business, call a professional immediately to begin dealing with the issue. Water damage is typically less expensive to deal with than mold removal.

As you can see in the pictures below, these units will need to undergo extensive remediation procedures. To complete the mold removal process we will have to remove many mold affected building materials. Once mold begins growing extensively, drywall must be removed in order to expose wood studs behind the drywall. Mold prefers to grow in damp areas. Once building materials become water damaged, they offer a perfect food source for mold spores which turn into mold clusters and eventually full mold colonies. If you suspect mold in your home or office, give us a call today so that we can rectify your mold problem before it turns into a nightmare.


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