Plumbing Leak in Tampa. A Tampa homeowner contacted I Find Leaks in regards to a plumbing leak in their Tampa home. Plumbing water leaks must be located and corrected shortly after water starts leaking in order to prevent possible water damage or mold growth. With our state of the art water leak detection equipment and infrared water leak inspection system we are able to pinpoint plumbing leaks in Tampa without causing damage to your Tampa property saving you valuable time and money. As you can see in the pictures below, this plumbing leak in Tampa was located on a plumbing water line located behind the toilet in a guest bathroom.
We are available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week in order to respond to water damage emergencies. We are also licensed by the State of Florida to perform mold removal and General Contracting services. Give us a call today if you suspect an issue with a plumbing leak in Tampa.