Plumbing Pipe Leak Brandon. A Brandon homeowner contacted I Find Leaks in regards to a plumbing pipe leak in their Brandon home. Plumbing pipe leaks can happen at any time and usually occur without warning. Plumbing pipe leaks can be tricky to find without the right equipment. I Find Leaks has invested thousands of dollars into state of the art water leak detection equipment. With our infrared leak detection equipment we have been able to successfully locate hundreds of leaks inside of Brandon Florida homes and businesses. We also have proprietary methods for finding leaks underneath floors and concrete slabs as well as outside of Brandon properties. If water leaks are not located and resolved quickly, water damage, black mold and mold growth can and will occur. As you can see in the pictures below, this water leak was on a copper plumbing line that was located in a wall of this Brandon home.
[box type=”info”] If you suspect a problem with a water leak, give I Find Leaks a call. We are available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week to respond to water damage emergencies as well as answer any of your questions in regards to water leaks, black mold, water damage and mold growth.[/box]

WATER DAMAGE AND WATER LEAK TOPICS IN THIS POST: water damage, water damage resoration, water damage repair, tampa, tampa water damage, mold removal mold, florida
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